
The bright side of the economy

1. Really cheap stuff - If you are actually in the position to be buying anything right now, from a flat screen TV to a house, this is a good time for you. If you are not in that position and you find yourself on the side of having to sell all your "valuables" for next to nothing, now is a good time to realize your material things don't have much of a bearing on your happiness(until you find out how much some of those records were worth 5 years later).

2.Pontiac takes a shit - Unless you are a lesbian or one of the 15 people that bought a G6, or you are trying to find parts for your Fiero/Lamborghini kit you won't find this news that hard to take. Most people are going to be more surprised to find out this company was still in business.

3.Customer service
- Have you noticed hoe nice people have been at stores lately? Sure, working at Home Depot or Target may not be the most fulfilling existence, but a little reality check that they actually have a steady income and people more "qualified" than them are waiting in line for their shitty job tends to light a spark under some grumpy bottoms. It's nice to not be treated like dogshit when I'm out at a mediocre restaurant, not have to wonder around for hours looking for 'liquid nails', and basically know that I'm not the bain of a persons existence that I'm giving money to.

Anyone care to chime in? I've got more on the way...


JFK said...

I agree wholeheartedly

Anonymous said...


JACPOT said...

oh my god it's happened...we're all speaking chinese.

Anonymous said...

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