

About ten minutes after I woke up on the 2nd morning of our trip after completely tearing it up the night before (uh, sake juice boxes?!!?! Rad idea.) I felt the whole building swinging back and forth, although I wasn't sure it was not just my damaged equilibrium until I saw my 'gentlemans gown of sleeping' swinging back and forth on the wall. I completely freaked out. I turned on the TV to find out what was going on to see concerned looking newscasters saying god knows what and some very shaky footage plus a few pictures of some wine bottles that had fallen off a shelf somewhere and a map with lots of red in the middle. I didn't want to wake maggie and charlie in case they slept through it, and jane and morgen weren't answering their door (I was knocking on the wrong room).
Nobody on the street outside seemed particularily concerned. I didn't have a chance to speak english to anyone about it until I ran into Cara Lee in the lobby later that afternoon. Morgen's friend told me that night that they have earthquakes about twice a month.

1 comment:

mht said...

i certainly hope you brought back some creamy creap